
Close Up of Doberman

Owner Surrender

Pets are given up for a number of reasons: financial concerns, illness, moving to a home that doesn’t welcome pets, allergies, pet behavior issues, and unwanted litters, just to name a few.

We understand how difficult it is to make the decision to surrender your pet, but also that surrendering to a shelter or rescue should be a last resort. Doberman Underground is an all-volunteer foster based rescue. The amount of animals we can take in is limited by the availability of foster homes.

Doberman Underground urges pet owners to consider other options before surrendering their animal. Before you decide to surrender your pet please consider the following resources which have helped many people and their pets.

Rehoming Your Pet

Before surrendering a pet to a shelter or rescue, we recommend first trying to find a suitable home for your pet by spreading the word among friends, relatives, and co-workers. Give yourself a few weeks to place the animal in a good home, and never give away your pet to someone without screening the person carefully and asking for references. Please do not give your pet away “Free to a Good Home” as there are unscrupulous individuals who could harm your pet or sell the animal for research to make money. Asking a reasonable fee may help deter such people.
Doberman in Laying in the Grass

Behavioral Issues

Sometimes pet behavior problems seem overwhelming, but many can be managed with the application of a little knowledge and a little effort. Obedience training is one of the most important aspects of raising a dog. Training serves to strengthen the bond between a dog and its owner. It builds communication, understanding, and mutual respect, and demonstrates to your dog that you’re the leader. And if your dog doesn’t respect you as his leader, you may both be in big trouble, particularly if he’s a bit rowdy or dominant by nature. Several pet stores offer low-cost training. YouTube also offers training videos from several well-respected trainers.
Two Dobermans Playing Fetch Outside in Fenced in Backyard


Finding pet-friendly housing may take a little more effort, but today there are many more rental options for people with pets. Apartment List,, and are just a few sites that allow you to search for pet-friendly housing. Contact the humane society or animal care and control agency serving the area into which you are moving; the agency may be able to provide you with a list of apartment communities that allow pets.
Two Dobermans Cuddling on the Couch

Surrender Application Form

We understand that there are times when keeping a pet is just not possible. Please complete the below form and one of our volunteers will contact you within 48 hours.

Owner Surrenders are accepted on a space-available basis.

Volunteers allow dogs to be “fostered” in their private homes, which often include other animals, children, etc. Being as honest as possible allows us to place the dog in a foster home without endangering our volunteers. If you have any questions please reach out via our website or send an email to If you are unable to complete the form there is an option at the bottom of the form to save it and complete it at a later time.