4th Annual Bark Brunch

Date: May 31, 2020
Time: 3:52 am - 3:52 am


The health, safety and overall well being of our dogs, as well as our volunteers, adopters, and supporters are always our top priority. With this in mind, we have been closely monitoring the rapidly-changing situation around COVID-19 (commonly referred to as coronavirus), responding to new information as it arises.

As you probably know by now, Gov. Mike DeWine has issued an order for all of Ohio prohibiting mass gatherings of over 100 people. Unfortunately, this directly affects our Bark Brunch event, which was scheduled for March 29th. Therefore, we must postpone the event. While this is very disappointing to all, the overall health and safety of everyone involved in our event is our priority.

The good news is that we were able to re-schedule Bark Brunch for Sunday, May 31st. We hope you will be able to join us! If you have already purchased tickets, there is nothing further to do but patiently wait for May 31st! If you purchased tickets and cannot make it on May 31st, please send us an email at dobermanunderground@gmail.com and we will issue you a full refund.

We cannot thank everyone enough for their continued support. We hope everyone will be safe and take every precaution to avoid Coronavirus. Please let us know if you have any questions.

The Doberman Underground Team

Join us Sunday, May 31st, 2020 from 11 am – 2 pm at the Grantwood Golf Course in beautiful Solon, Ohio for our 4th annual Bark Brunch. We will be serving Chicago Deli buffet brunch & waffle bar, along with bottomless Mimosas and Bloody Marys !

Tickets are $25 for adults, $15 for children under 12. Advance purchase only. No ticket sales at the door, Tickets must be purchased by March 22nd, 2020. Tickets are available for purchase at https://dudobes.org/product-category/events/

It’s a fun time and you can buy tickets to win the 50/50 raffle and gift baskets!! Come out and support us.


If you are having trouble submitting your order please contact jack@dudobes.org.