Phoenix Fund


Helping Dobermans in Need

We know you have all seen the dogs in shelters and on various social media sites that are posted needing help more than others. These dogs don’t always look the greatest, but hiding behind those soulful eyes is an animal that is battling chronic issues and neglect.

Our Rescue is repeatedly asked to take them in and help them to the best of our abilities. It is our honor and privilege to repair as much of their body and soul as we can. Often these dogs will end up in our own homes and live out their remaining lives with us. We would prefer to open up opportunities for adopters to experience the love and joy that you can only experience from a special needs dog.

So Doberman Underground decided it was time to initiate a long-term goal of ours and push it into reality. We still want to take these dogs in and honor our responsibility, but also make it easier for you to provide them with a home while we bear some of the financial burdens. For this, the Phoenix Fund was created. With some TLC from the rescue, and your ability to love and provide security, these dogs can rise up from the ashes and soar to their best life.

The rescue will choose the very few special animals that will be a part of the Phoenix Fund. These dogs are not always seniors or older. Some are younger and have chronic health issues. If a dog in the Phoenix Fund program has a chronic issue, Doberman Underground will provide financial support for that particular need. Each dog will qualify for specific costs that will be paid for by the rescue for that particular chronic need. The vet will be of the choosing of the rescue.

This program is not about heroic measures, but keeping the dog happy and comfortable to the best of everyone’s abilities. You provide love. We will help to provide financial support to keep everyone happy.

Please consider donating to The Phoenix Fund. Your generosity means the world to a pup in need.

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Our Success Stories

Rescue Doberman Bam Bam Laying on Living Room Floor


After being surrendered by his owner, we discovered Bam-Bam had Vestibular Dysfunction, a disease generally associated with older dogs. Learn how our Phoenix Fund his helping support him and his family.
Meet Bam-Bam
Doberman Rescue, Ozzy, Sitting on His Bed


Ozzy had a rough life on the streets of West Virginia but his problems didn’t stop there. Learn more about Ozzy and his path to recovery thanks to our Phoenix Fund.
Meet Ozzy
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Portrait of Rescued Doberman


We can't do what we do without you. With your support, we're able to save the lives of this incredible breed. Help us continue our mission and find a loving place for those who need it!
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