

Carly’s story is one of love, resilience, and the profound impact of the support received by Doberman Underground from the Grey Muzzle Organization Grant.  Carly was found as a stray on the streets of Detroit, Michigan.  She was estimated to be 7 or 8 years old.  When Carly arrived at Doberman Underground, she tested positive for heartworms and required costly, intensive treatment. One of the dangers of heartworm treatment is the risk of pulmonary embolism caused by dying worms decomposing in the dog’s body. Carly suffered such a clot, becoming very ill. Thankfully, the clot was detected early, and she received the necessary care to recover, allowing her to move forward to a life she never knew existed.

After completing her heartworm treatment, Carly found her forever home with Sue, a Vietnam Veteran.  They were a perfect match right from the start.   Sue tells us that Carly gave her a reason to get up in the morning. She said they sat in the sun and took a lot of naps together. Sue loved Carly so much that she had an old dog statue in her front yard painted to the exact shades of black and tan to make it look like Carly.

Carly was placed in our Seniors Owning Seniors (SOS) program, which is supported by our grant monies from the Grey Muzzle Organization.  The SOS program matches senior humans 70 and older with senior dogs 7 and older, paying for all basic medical visits and medications for the dog.  This program enables seniors to provide a wonderful, loving home for a senior dog without worrying about the added expenses on a fixed budget.

Despite her recovery, Carly faced ongoing health challenges, including liver disease and Cushing’s disease. These conditions caused her to drink excessive amounts of water and urinate every two hours. Despite these difficulties, Sue was devoted to providing Carly with the love and care she needed, even as Sue’s own health began to decline.

Doberman Underground, with the help of Grey Muzzle funding, supported Carly by providing Denamarin, zinc, a liver supplement, and heartworm prevention.  We also covered the cost of her veterinary care.  Sadly, after a recent home vet visit, blood work and other tests revealed that Carly’s liver enzymes had skyrocketed. Sadly, Carly’s health took a sudden turn. One Saturday morning, she began urinating blood and was in visible distress. Sue rushed Carly to the emergency vet. There, the veterinarian confirmed that Carly’s body was shutting down. With a heavy heart, Sue made the compassionate decision to let Carly pass peacefully.

While Carly’s life ended too soon, her journey was filled with love, care, and dignity, thanks to the support of the Grey Muzzle grant and the dedicated network of Doberman Underground volunteers. Carly’s story is a testament to the power of community, and the lasting impact we can have on senior dogs and their owners during their most vulnerable moments.

Carly will always be remembered as a beloved member of the Doberman Underground family. Her journey highlights the importance of programs like Grey Muzzle in saving lives and providing comfort to dogs like Carly in their time of greatest need.