DU Director Nancy Unsold with Her Doberman

Nancy Unsold


In 1986, I was young, poor, and living in a blue collar neighborhood in Akron. There started to be some break ins nearby. My mother decided that I needed a Doberman for protection, and she found one in the local newspaper.

Coco became my first Doberman. Her first owner had been an exotic dancer who left the dog locked in her car when she went to work. The clientele teased and tormented her. When the dancer moved to Alaska, she gave the dog to a friend who couldn’t keep her, so she came to me.

She certainly made me feel safe. When I met Mike, I gave him my regular instructions to sit quietly on the couch and let the dog approach him. Instead, he got down on the floor and started romping with her. Of course, they became great friends.

I fell in love with the breed, and wanted to help save other abandoned Dobermans. I began volunteering with rescue, and have now adopted nine Dobermans over the years. My current Dobes, Artie and Jewel, are in the photo with me. I now work behind the scenes interviewing applicants and following them through the adoption process.