Zoey was an owner surrender to DU at age 9 months then we adopted her a short time after on April 22, 2018. She will be 2 years old June 19th. We had two other Doberman’s at the time, Dexter and Eevie who had wobblers.
Zoey and Eevie quickly became great buddies, and it is as if Zoey knew to be gentle with her and would keep her company on her bed when she couldn’t use her back legs. We sadly had to say good-bye to Eevie a few short months after we adopted Zoey. We adopted Zoey to have a playmate for Dexter since Eevie wasn’t able to get around well. We also wanted a dog who could sleep in the bed with us so my husband could pet them, cause the petting motion helps his vertigo issues, and Zoey is a great therapy dog for that.
Zoey is a great bed dog and slept well from the first night she arrived! She is very gentle, good with kids, a bit yappy, sassy and wants all the attention, but she is so very loving, and loyal and loves to give kisses. She loves to run and play, and her pride and joy are her precious pillow pets she carries around and sucks on them.
She has so many of them! She walks well on a leash and loves to run in our fenced in yard and makes sure the squirrels and cats stay out! She is a digger of holes, which is her weakness! Zoey listens well and she will sit and shake for her treats. She goes into her crate well when we do have to leave and she lays right down and is a good girl. She loves her dobie brother Dexter and our older mixed breed Morpheus. At first Zoey thought he was a rodent, but warmed up to him! Morph can walk right under her as he is so short and stubby, and Zo has such long, lanky legs!
Zoey loves to be covered up with blankets and she likes to hold them and her pillow pets and suck on them. She quickly claimed the large chair as her own when we adopted her, which no other dogs have ever been allowed in, but she was! She also has a nice doughnut snuggle bed she likes to lay in. She rides great in the car and is just a great, loving addition to our family! We love her so much!